Times are tough but, so are you. If you find it difficult to stay positive during times of change and adversity, here are 7 tips that we hope will help you calm your mind and focus on the good instead of the bad.
You may think that exercise is about sculpting abs or losing weight, but no, moving the body also benefits the mind! The National Health Service recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week * – this could be anything from a Pilates workout at home, a brisk walk to clear your head on your lunch break at your garden etc. You don’t need to lock yourself in the gym for hours on end.
When you exercise, your body releases hormones called endorphins , which trigger positive feelings in your brain, so be sure to filling up on 20-30 minutes of exercise a day could really help lift your mood and keep you healthy and fit too.
Do a good deed
Lending a hand to someone who needs help is a great way to increase your positivity. Not only will you put a smile on someone else’s face, but you’ll feel good doing it. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, it can be as simple as going grocery shopping for an older relative or sending a small gift to a friend who is going through a difficult time. When you see how happy your good deed makes them feel, it will surely give you a break.
Help someone
Talk to someone
We know it can be difficult, but it is very important to keep communicating when you feel depressed . Bottling up your feelings will only make you feel even worse. We all need an outlet, so trust close friends and family when you need to chat and try to be as open as possible . It may seem daunting at first, especially if sharing your emotions is an absolute no-no for you, but you’ll feel so much better about it! Often, talking about your problems with someone close to you allows you to put things in perspective and you will likely realize that what you were thinking or worrying about is not half as bad as you thought. And, if it is, at least you will have a helping hand to help you deal with the problem – a shared problem, it’s a problem cut in half !
Start a gratitude journal
Gratitude is hard to find, especially in a day and age when we tend to take most things for granted. But acknowledging all that is appreciated is a great way to put things in perspective . Some find that starting a gratitude journal does wonders for their positivity. Just start your day by writing down a few things that you are grateful for – it could be the support of family and friends at a difficult time in your life or something as simple as the fact that the sun is shining.
Then end your day by writing down one or two good things that happened to you that day. Again, it doesn’t have to be anything important; It can be something as small as cooking your favorite dinner, but if it makes you smile then it’s worth writing down. When you’re feeling down, reflect on your notes and let them put into perspective how many positives you have in your life.
Create a calm environment
If your home is chaotic, it’s no wonder your mind is. Making sure your surroundings are as neat and organized as possible is a great way to encourage relaxation . Now, we are not saying that everything has to be impeccable, but that you have to clean up any mess, light some candles and maybe fix the decoration by asking for some new furniture for the house and you will surely feel more relaxed. Making sure your space is organized is a good way to increase productivity , especially if you work from home.
Atmosphere calmly
Focus on the present
¿ Is your brain working overtime? If worries and “what ifs” are consuming your thoughts, then trying to focus on the present moment might help . It’s not easy, especially if you’re naturally anxious or worrying, but taking each day at a time and trying to avoid overthinking ahead is very important when it comes to controlling those negative thoughts. Remember that you cannot change what has not already happened, so try not to waste your energy thinking too much about what may (or may not!) Happen .
Surround yourself with positive people
Do you know that friend who always seems to see the good in people? Or that colleague who reacts calmly to high pressure situations while you panic into an existential crisis? Surround yourself with these people. Lean on them when you feel bad and learn from their vision of life. You will never understand the importance of positivity if you continue to associate with people who complain, they constantly groan and wallow, so organize your circle and lean on those who make looking at the bright side of life their mission .