Himalayan salt is a unhandled natural mineral that was formed from marine deposits that are 250 million years old.
Himalayan salt content
Contains the 84 trace elements present in our body -the same that lay in the primitive sea ”that gave rise to life-.
Minerals and trace elements are arranged in a helical way and consequently, the body absorbs them easily (potassium, calcium, magnesium). That is, thanks to being present as a colloidal mineral it allows the body a greater bioavailability.
All the molecules of the salt crystals are interrelated, allowing a harmonic vibration with our biology.
The Himalayan salt
Himalaya salt is gold
It is also known as white gold , because it contains eons of light stored in it (which provides electromagnetic properties yet to be clarified).
Studies show that for every gram of common table salt (chemically treated and dried at temperatures above 650ºC, denaturing its crystals), which our system cannot process, the The body uses large amounts of cellular water to neutralize sodium chloride (20 times more than with natural salt). Himalayan salt is an interesting ingredient (when we want to add salt to dishes) in a healthy diet.
This can lead to electrolyte imbalances in the body’s biochemistry, making activity difficult kidney, producing disorders such as water retention, cellulite, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as the accumulation of stones in the kidney and gallbladder .
The great benefits of Himalayan salt for health can be:
- Regulates the content of body water.
- Balances excess acidity in cells, especially those of the brain.
- Improves the absorption of some food particles in the intestinal tract.
- Helps clear mucus and phlegm obstructions in the lungs and air sinuses.
- Acts as a powerful natural antihistamine that helps to relieve allergic processes (nasal congestion …).
- Prevents muscle cramps .
- Reaffirms the structures of the skeleton (helps prevention of osteoporosis).
- It intervenes in the regulation of the circadian cycle (improves insomnia).
- Maintains libido and sexual potency.
- Prevents the appearance of varicose veins on the legs.
- Regulates blood pressure and heart rate .
- Balances sugar levels in the body.
- It contributes to the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells.
White or pink?
One of the most surprising and beneficial characteristics of Himalayan salt is its composition, since it contains all the minerals required by the body in their proper proportion.
Common salt, used For the vast majority of the population, it is a refined industrial product that has nothing to do with this other type of natural salt.
Common salt and its impurities
In the common salt we only found two minerals: sodium and chlorine. The combination of these two minerals, forming sodium chloride, is what provides the characteristic flavor to the salt. That is why the rest of minerals and trace elements are eliminated, considered as “impurities” of the salt.
On the other hand, in its industrial processing, other substances are added to common salt : preservatives, softeners, desiccants and whiteners . Other minerals such as iodine (iodized salts), fluorine, etc. can even be added artificially.
Salt is essential for life but not common salt, which overloads our body . There are several healthier options compared to common salt, such as Celtic salt, but Himalayan salt is the most studied and its properties and benefits are best known.
A common question among Himalayan salt consumers is about its color.
Most of the Himalayan salt that is marketed is pink salt . The pink color is due to the presence of iron (in the form of iron oxide), a mineral that we also find in the body and that is used for therapeutic purposes (in cases of anemia, etc.).
The white Himalayan salt , less common, is extracted from specific deposits in the Asian mountain range. It has all the minerals and trace elements required by the body and only has a slightly lower proportion of iron oxide, so its color is white. This salt is ideal for people who are more reluctant to change their habits and change the “toxic” common white salt for this much healthier one.
Himalayan salt grains
As the benefits and properties of both Himalayan salts are the same, there should be no doubts about the choice of the type of salt we want to buy.
The white Himalayan salt on our website is fine texture while the available pink Himalayan salt has a extra-fine texture . Both can be used in the kitchen (during the preparation and cooking of dishes) and at the table (as a condiment once the dish is finished) and our choice should only depend on the type of texture that we like the most.