What is Omega 3?
Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. The body cannot synthesize it, so it is considered essential (it must be ingested with the diet). It is found in high concentration in fish, especially blue fish . Also, to a lesser extent, in vegetable sources such as walnuts , flax seeds or inchi seeds . There are no daily requirements for omega-3, although it is estimated that a healthy diet would have to provide between 3 and 6 grams per day of this piliunsaturated lipid.
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Eskimo peoples eat a lot of fat, which comes from blue fish , whales or seals, and suffer very few cardiovascular problems. (Recommended for athletes melanotan 2 kaufen deutschland ) This led many researchers to study the effects of omega-3 fatty acids in the body. The results were somewhat contradictory, and in 2002, a review was published in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine , which concluded that, in general, the consumption of large amounts of omega fatty acids -3 could reduce the possibility of sudden death, or heart disease .
Omega 3 benefits
The effects cardio-protectors can be due to several reasons. In a publication in the journal Heart , in 2001, it was observed that supplementation with fish oil could reduce triglycerides in the blood by 25-30% . In addition, supplementation with EPA or DHA (omega-3 components) seem to increase blood levels of good cholesterol (HDL) , as indicated in other publications of the same journal.
In the last 5 years, a large number of publications have described the anti-inflammatory activity of omega-3 oil . Serhan, CN., In 2005 published in the journal Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America , an article that is revolutionizing the understanding of inflammation. He described new mediators of inflammation called eicosanoids, which are present in fatty acids. Omega-3 contains two of the eicosanoids with the greatest impact on resolving inflammation: EPA and DHA . These molecules are responsible for the synthesis of important inflammation mediators such as Resolvins . A large number of publications support the anti-inflammatory activity of omega-3. In 2005, an investigation was carried out at Cambridge University where it was observed that omega-3 supplementation reduced the inflammatory mediators that damage cartilage.
Omega -3, in addition, has immune system modulating activity. It has an effect on the Tregulatory Lymphocytes, responsible for the balance of the immune system. Due to the production of anti-inflammatory mediators and immune regulators s the effects of fish oil supplementation have been studied in autoimmune pathologies, allergies, asthma, dermatitis, etc. .
Omega 3 and the body
At the cellular level, the consumption of omega- 3 provides fluidity to the phospholipid membrane . The health of the cell membrane is responsible for its correct activity, allowing better expression of the receptors, facilitating the diffusion of substances through it , etc. In short, improving the “health” of the cell.
In 2003, in the prestigious journal Pediatrics , an article was published that demonstrated the benefits of omega-3 supplementation in pregnant women and the health of future babies . The possible preventive effect of preterm births was also demonstrated.
Omega-3, and in particular DHA, is the main structural component of brain tissue. An investigation published in 2002 in the journal American Jouranl of Psychiatry , provides evidence of the use of omega-3 fatty acids on depressive disorders .